Hey blogging peeps, I'm back! I had to catch my breath from all the excitement of ArtPrize. Did I mention how amazing it was? The food, the music, the art, the people... there's nothing like it!
Before I take Common Core down From its venue, I wanted to point out a few more details... just in case you're in Grand Rapids this weekend and stop by to see it in the lobby of the Waters Center 161 Ottawa.
Here we go:
"What's in the Middle," peeking through the fun vibrant pink of the funnel represents the unknown of where our tax dollars go. Exactly what determines the cost per student in public education? What is that equation? How much is funnelled into other third parties and so on.
The "What can I do," represents the parents who are frustrated and want change.
I took this phrase literally. I asked myself what could I do. My answer? Create art to speak on my behalf and hope to inspire conversation on this topic.
My question to you is, what can you do?
"I can," represents the parents' moto on the parent brigade fund raising funnel. We are taking action to support our schools.
"Math about me," represents my frustration with a hint of snarkiness. I feel that as a parent, we are constantly pouring funds into our kids' educational experience.
the tiny scissors... yeah, this is for all the little cuts here and there that add up to massive budget slashings.